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Modeling: a relevant tool for urban dress-up

Engaging in a communication campaign, construction site wrapping, or an exhibition can be daunting. Why? Because it can sometimes be difficult to envision the final result, especially in an urban environment. Nowadays, modeling provides the opportunity to project oneself in advance, adapt to site constraints, optimize space, and maximize visual impact..

Urban dress-up: A specialized expertise


Outdoor communication is a very effective way to promote your brand, enhance your reputation, convey a message, or launch a product—all at a glance. Totems display, illuminated signs for cranes, hoardings, and banners on scaffolding all meet these objectives. Each location and need requires its own support! A tailored analysis is necessary, along with a perfect understanding of these different solutions to achieve the most appropriate scenography. It is therefore better to rely on a specialized provider, an expert in the field, who will guide the client throughout the communication process.

A striking communication device that…


Streets, boulevards, bridges, squares… what more strategic sites can be found in terms of visibility? And with an effective visual, you are sure to capture the attention of pedestrians, drivers, public transport users, residents… A suitable location, a high-traffic area, an appropriate support, and you’re set! Your outdoor communication campaign then makes perfect sense and inevitably achieves its goal. Large-format displays attract, question, and surprise. This type of signage allows you to stand out from your competitors and differentiate yourself. But before reaching this point, several steps must be followed.

…Requires a through analysis…

modélisation celize

Such projects require an in-depth study beforehand. First phase: understand the context, stakes, and client expectations through a precise brief. What message(s) should be conveyed? For which audience(s)? Once these elements are defined, a site visit and reconnaissance are necessary as many parameters need to be considered: site configuration, building height, ground area, pedestrian flow, construction equipment passage, exposure, wind exposure… Chance has no place in achieving the desired results and ensuring all the necessary safety precautions for this type of operation.

…And a 3D simulation…

modélisation celize

Modeling is used by urban planners in their development projects to inform their decision-making. The same logic is applied by Celize. Indeed, to make the best choice, it’s better to visualize it concretely. Modeling an urban dress-up device such as a hoarding, a banner on scaffolding, or a module allows you to assess, before fabrication and installation, the relevance of the visual and its integration into the urban landscape. The client can thus more easily envision the result. With this representation, multiple scenarios are tested and evaluated. Adjustments are always possible. As for calculations and measurements, they are refined before a study office validates the equipment. The process then moves into production and professional installation phases.

…With design as the guiding thread

modélisation celize

3D modeling addresses technical aspects but also offers boundless creativity. Design then comes into play, and the graphic skills of Celize’s teams are fully expressed. The values, visuals, and graphic charter of the company, local authorities, promoter, or association are integrated into the selected communication supports: hoarding, banner on scaffolding… Wooden undulation in the Arboretum project in Nanterre, sparkling atmosphere for an urban renovation by the City of Épinay-sur-Seine, artistic purpose of a trompe-l’œil banner enhancing the patio of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris’s 8th arrondissement…

3D modeling is a tool that, when mastered, offers great potential in the field of urban dress-up. Celize has integrated it into its expertise and thus offers its clients increasingly original and innovative services.

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