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City and associations: a tandem of local communication

The attractiveness and dynamism of a municipality depend both on the actions of the town hall and on stakeholders such as associations, businesses, and companies. Indeed, the associative life is a very strong link. Hence the interest in pooling local communication methods that can serve all these partners.

A mutual need to communicate

Palissade Grand Format 4m de haut

Cities, regardless of their size, have now realized the importance of promoting their missions, events, and construction sites. They equip themselves with the necessary display means for this purpose. Celize regularly supports local authorities in this area by meeting their specific needs. For example, the town of Épinay-sur-Seine chose an original hoarding with multiple purposes, while the city of Nanterre opted for mobile and eco-friendly supports. Associations, also participating in local activities, face the same visibility issues.

The reflection of a common dynamic

Totem communication de chantier

City and associations work in the same direction: promoting activities and projects that contribute to local life and conveying a positive image of their territory. Their interactions are multiple and permanent. The urban space offers numerous display opportunities that municipalities can use for their purposes but also lend to the associative, economic, and cultural fabric they support. The flexibility of a device like the totem fits into this logic. For a municipality, it constitutes both an attractive tool and a complementary communication mode that can serve other actors. Explaining the redevelopment of a neighborhood, raising awareness of a noble cause, announcing a festival, or events… the uses are multiple.

A 100% winning collaboration

Totem caisson bois Extérieur

Wooden display totem

For town halls, local outdoor communication requires suitable supports that are simple to use, reusable, and visually striking. Totems diplay, which can be modulated as desired, integrate everywhere in all circumstances. A city can easily handle the installation and dismantling of these devices thanks to its technical services. Similarly, it has the necessary space to store them when they are not in use. By making them available to associations, it offers them the opportunity to enjoy unexpected visibility in public space. At the same time, such a partnership benefits the community, demonstrating its commitment and involvement in the dynamism of local and neighborhood life. The reclamation and revitalization of city centers depend on this type of initiative.

Interchangeable communication

communication locale - totems bois Liz

Local communication – Liz wooden totems

Effective local communication means finding the appropriate support that will meet everyone’s expectations. This is the case with the LIZ urban totem, which offers great layout freedom. It comes in 2, 3, or 4 sides: arrow models, 30°, 60°, 90°. But its “chameleon” quality doesn’t stop there, as it allows for changing messages as often as desired. In addition to elements already printed on dibond, PVC, or wood panels, there is also the opportunity to manage the visuals yourself. The event is over, no problem, just replace the outdated document. You choose the most suitable formula. You can opt for pinned or magnetized displays. A plexiglass showcase protects the paper. The totem is therefore reusable as desired.

True autonomy

totem-communication-chantier - Support d'affichage urbain mis en place pour Paris La Défense

Construction communication totem – Urban display support set up for Paris La Défense

Handling such a support is simple and quick. It can be installed and moved very easily. It thus offers the possibility to communicate in different places (near a school, stadium, retirement home, on a busy esplanade…) at different times. Its mobility is a real asset. You manage its use as you see fit, as well as the information you want to display thanks to its interchangeable display. Autonomy that ensures comfort, flexibility, and responsiveness. Designed for outdoor use, the LIZ urban totem withstands weather conditions and guarantees stability and safety.

To ensure the effectiveness of its products, Celize supports you from their design to their implementation. Site analysis, consideration of constraints and objectives, local regulations, nothing is left to chance. Many local authorities and associations already trust the expertise of our teams, why not you?

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