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An eco-responsible approach to site communication, in keeping with the project's environment

Construction site communication has a dual impact: on society through the messages conveyed on one hand, and on the environment through the installed devices on the other.

With the aim of offering a “responsible” urban dress up, meaning one that respects the environment and integrates as well as possible into the urban landscape, Celize develops a range of solutions called Ecolize.

Eco-responsible construction site communication

Our approach to eco-responsible construction site communication is to be “responsible” both in the design of the device and its integration into the urban landscape.

In order to promote the implementation of an ecological and responsible urban dress up, Celize develops a range of solutions: Ecolize®. This principle is reflected by consideration at every stage of the project’s realization.

Design of eco-designed devices

Eco-design involves reducing the environmental impacts of communication tools throughout their life cycle, taking into account the raw materials needed for their manufacture, the resources and pollution resulting from the transformation process, the impacts related to their dissemination, and finally their end of life.

In this environmental approach, Celize takes care to

Integration into the urban landscape

From an operational point of view, Celize also designs appropriate devices for social involvement of local actors and/or to bring a societal dimension.

The deployed solution becomes a medium of expression where each stakeholder can take ownership of this unique urban dress up.

To facilitate communication with the public, the integration of the device into the urban landscape aims to be pleasant and aesthetic through its natural materials or even through plant decorations.


The first iteration of Ecolize was realized on a hoarding in 2011. Since then, the concept has evolved to now be an integral part of Celize’s offering with its hoarding dress ups, living module/bungalow dress ups, and urban display solutions.

Ecolize - Responsible Urban Communication Solutions

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